Wednesday, January 29, 2025

How SDWAN Is Like Smart GPS For Wide Area Networks


Do you remember the days before you had a smartphone and you wanted to get somewhere you had never been? Did you pull out the Thomas Brothers map book, look up the address in the back and then find the page and quadrants to find your street? Then you had to backtrack to your location to figure out how to get there. And traffic? You had to listen to the AM station that had “traffic on the sixes.” Want to go back there?

Well in the old days, the way we routed network traffic was about as antiquated. Let’s compare this natural progression of finding your way from point A to point B using network equipment. The days of physical maps – the “Thomas Brothers” is like a basic router. This “physical map” showed you all paths leaving it up to you to figure out the best way there. Then we were introduced to MapQuest. This let us look up the address where we wanted to go, and it gave us a map and printed directs how to get there from our location. Let’s compare that to fail over routers. These used non-real-time path information to get you there using the shortest path.

The Aha Moment

Today we have a computer in our pocket to help us get where we want to go using the fastest route. Google Maps or Waze use real-time data and information from actual drivers to get you there faster and smarter. Today’s SDWAN Technology does this for the network. Traffic can be prioritized, and the technology know what to get there first.

Traditional network devices cannot detect all network conditions on every hop between A & B. Anomalies like network stability, small packet loss, jitter, latency, etc. cannot be detected in real time. Therefore, services like voice & video (without SDWAN) can have quality issues, even with the best bandwidth.

Today’s network monitoring is not real-time, it is near real time, which leaves significant gaps in visibility/information such as traffic bursts and other anomalies. SDWAN helps companies by combining real-time granular advanced end-to-end network metrics/information with real-time wire speed per-packet and per session routing decisions at each edge.

SDWAN combines navigation smarts with actual routing ability with easy management, automation, and visibility into all locations giving companies an amazing solution that merely saves time, money, and effort. SDWAN is an easy-to-use toolset that can be configured in many ways. SDWAN fixes the problem of the edge management and lack of onsite IT. SDWAN automates many of the once manual tasks of programming, provisioning and routing decisions with degraded internet connections.

There’s Free Help Available To You For Selecting the Right Equipment

SDWAN is a broad technology and can get confusing but fear not. All SDWAN manufacturers are purpose-build for specific client use cases. Some are built to help prioritize and control cloud connectivity and applications that run the business, others are built for network resiliency and reliability, while still others are built to collapse environments using an all-in-one cloud firewall solutions. All SDWAN manufacturers are great; it just all depends on what you are trying to accomplish not only today but three years from now. By approaching SDWAN from a consultative and high-level, goal-oriented approach can bring you an extreme amount of long-term value and savings.

As far as pricing, it is very dependent on size and speeds required; it can run anywhere from $55 per month per location to $2k per month per location depending on your specific needs. These solutions can also be Managed, Co-Managed or do-it-yourself installations. In some cases, SDWAN can even save you money by offsetting high-cost equipment and networking services.

 Here are just a few of the SDWAN providers that we have access to:

Aryaka, Airspring, BCM One, Convergia, Cox, GTT, Lightpath, Lumen, Ooma, TPx, Zayo, Silverpeak, Cato Networks, Cisco VIPtela, Cisco Meraki MX, Citrix , CloudGenix, Barracuda Networks, BigLeaf Networks, Ecessa, Riverbed, SimpleWAN, TeloIP, Versa Networks, VeloCloud, And MANY More.

By scheduling a discovery call with us and one of our engineers, we can determine a solution that fits best for your specific use case from simple failover to global designs.

All it takes is to ask us at the below link….it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3. Plus our service is FREE.

Free SDWAN Network Design Support

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Thursday, September 22, 2022

An Essential Guide To SDWAN Myths And Facts (VIDEO)

Enterprises across the world continue to face growing challenges and uncertainties, be it due to the pandemic or the next shock to global markets. Compounding the challenges is the move to becoming more distributed than ever as enterprises pivot to hybrid workspaces, leading them to rely more on cloud services.
With connectivity as the glue and key to successful digital transformation in the next normal, security is a growing imperative and cannot be addressed independently of the network.
All enterprises will need to adopt a secure, software-defined hybrid networking approach in network architectures and invest in next-generation technologies such as SD-WAN and other virtual network services (VNS) to address their changing network and security needs to accommodate their remote workforces. The question is, therefore, not whether to enable software-defined networking and cloud-based tools, but how and where, and what’s next.

To take advantage of FREE assistance to engineer and design a SDWAN solution for your organization’s network requirements....including a comparison of Best-In-Class providers....simply click on this link and ask. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Benefits And Challenges To Implementing SDWAN In Your Company (VIDEO)

SD-WAN is rising in popularity as a network management tool. But is it right for your business? SD-WAN has many pros as well as cons and might not be a perfect fit for all scenarios. In this video learn about the benefits and challenges to implementing SD-WAN in the enterprise.

To take advantage of FREE assistance to engineer and design a SDWAN solution for your organization’s network requirements....including a comparison of Best-In-Class providers....simply click on this link and ask. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.

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Friday, May 15, 2020

App-Defined SD-WAN...Simple....Secure....Powerful

The Revolutionary Approach to WAN

CloudGenix was founded by a group of seasoned innovators with extensive careers building some of the most widely used networking products ever made. Their mission is to provide the world with the ability to build and manage their WAN the way it should have been done in the first place. The old way of doing WAN involved customers who had data centers where the applications lived; this meant agents were selling these customers connectivity along with routers. What you find now is that the number of people who use conventional PCs is declining. If applications are moving to the cloud, why should we use the same old way of connecting users and remote offices to where the application lives? CloudGenix AppFabric gives you the freedom to incorporate any type of WAN into your branch office, including MPLS, broadband, internet, and cellular, allowing you to make connectivity decisions based on the price and performance demanded by each branch office and each application.

AppFabric is build using top-down policies that map applications, sites, and WAN links to requirements for performance, security, and compliance. When it comes to CloudGenix, there is no need for complicated routing protocols or lengthy router configs. CloudGenix makes everything very simple for its customers so that they can focus on the business priority.
How does CloudGenix differentiate? CloudGenix is completely agnostic, not just to the transport but to the carrier as well. Most carriers will monitor circuit latency and circuit loss in circuit jitter; they will look at WAN network metrics and will base the best path on this. CloudGenix also does this, but the big difference is that they are also looking at all the application stats, round-trip time for the application sessions, and server response time. CloudGenix has changed the unit of operation from packets to sessions, and from networking to applications. They are application-defined, not only can they tell you what the customer is using, they can tell you how the application is behaving and why a certain app should pick a specific path.
So, why CloudGenix?
To learn more about CloudGenix, and other cutting edge options for your SDWAN needs...simply ask here SDWAN Solutions.  It's as easy as 1, 2, 3. 

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