Wednesday, September 02, 2020

IOT....The Foundations For Smart Buildings

Insights, practical tips, and innovative use cases for smart buildings....with specific case examples highlighting commercial construction, hotel development, and hospital environments.
Buildings represent one of the largest capital expenses for businesses, second only to salaries paid to employees. It is therefore no surprise that property owners and managers are constantly seeking new ways to make buildings more efficient, sustainable, safer and more comfortable. However, as technology has become more advanced and consumer demand more acute, we’re seeing a much more considered coming together of buildings and technology, commonly known as smart buildings.
Read this article for successful smart building strategies.
Keep in mind that the critical foundational piece to the success of any IoT application and it’s IoT ecosystem is network connectivity. That said, we are uniquely positioned to source the right IoT connectivity solution for any IoT application whatever it may be....wired or wireless. We can even help with the network design and security effort. All at ZERO cost to you. Simply ask's as easy as 1, 2, 3.

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